At the right time, "convenience home" won millions of yuan of an


Krypton learned that the convenience store "convenience home" has obtained millions of RMB Angel round investment, with the capital of Lianchuang Yongxuan Fengtao.

At the right time, a group of players gathered, such as Binguo box, F5 future store, Shenlan technology, easy go, and Amazon, Rosen, Alibaba, Wal Mart and other giants also tested the water.

"Convenience home", founded in March 2017, is located in Shanghai. Convenience home has two products: Mini convenience store and medium-sized convenience store. Compared with a group of players, the difference of convenience home is: flexibility.

The "mini convenience store" of the convenience home covers less than 1 square meter (0.68 square meter) of the minimum unit area, and the delivery place is more flexible, including subway stations, office buildings, colleges and universities, etc. the cost of a minimum unit convenience store is about 13000 yuan (which may be lower after mass production). The smallest unit of convenience store, according to the distribution of people flow, "put together" a larger unit area of convenience store. For less than 100 people, one can be placed; for about 100 people, two can be spelled; for more than 500 people, four can be spelled. Convenience home's "medium-sized unmanned convenience store" is made up of six micro convenience stores. At the same time, tables and chairs are added in the space to provide consumers with a rest area, which can be placed in a relatively open neighborhood, park, etc.


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